Musical Scares, Morning Star (UK)
How the FBI Harassed...Socialist Worker (UK
InsideHook - Review (via LitHub excerpt)
Rolling Stone - Advance mention
CBC - Advance mention on their podcast (See Episode 4)
Plasticos y Decibilios - Jesús Sans Morales
Musical Scares, Scott Costen, Morning Star (UK)
Musical Histories, International Times
The Birth & Repression of Radical Music in the 60s, Jeremy Allen, Huck Magazine
Dissident Orthodoxy podcast w/Casey Hobbs
Labour History, review by Braham Dabscheck, June 2021
Was Folk Music a Commie Plot, review by Mat Callahan, Monthly Review May 2021
American Communist History, review by Daniel Rosenberg, Feb. 2021
In The Cross Hairs of the FBI, Joe Pagetta, America: The Jesuit Review Jan. 2021
New Book Digs Into Government Files, Paul Buhle, Truthout (Dec. 2020
Alexander Billet, Jacobin Nov. 2020.
Redaction Politics, review, Scott Costen Oct. 2020
DittyTV by Tim W. Jackson Oct. 2020
CounterPunch, review by Ron Jacobs Oct. 2020
Peoples World, review by Tony Pecinovsky Sept. 2020The Wire — review, Oct. 2020
Radio8Ball Podcast- Andras Jones, Jan. 2021
Aaron Leonard & Jesse Jarnow @A Capella Books, Atlanta Jan 2021
Trailblazers & Troublemakers Pocast- Nov. 2020
Revolutionary Left Radio Podcst Oct. 2020
TrueAnon Podcast - Fed as Folk Sept. 2020
Still Spying, Rights & Dissent — Discussion w/Chip Gibbons Sept. 2020
WARA - Rhode Island Pontificating w/Paul Sept. 2020
CrimeReads Excerpts from Folk Singers & the Bureau Sept. 2020
HNN.us Woody Guthries Communism Sept. 2020
Let Them Talk - Discussion of 1st Magnitude with Paul DeReinzo
Chapo Trap House - Discussion of 1st Magnitude w/Amber Lee Frost, July 2018
Midwest Socialists - Discussion w/ André Callot of 1M, July 2018
Revolutionary Left Radio - Discussion of Heavy Radicals June 2018
A Threat of the First Magnitude: A history of FBI counterintelligence and infiltration. April 3, 2020 By Tony PecinovskyPeople’s World, April 2020
Review in The Pensive Quill, Christopher Owen. February 2020.
Enemies of the Left - Review by Chip Gibbons (Jacobin)
Review, Threat of the First Magnitude, by Mat Callahan, Socialism & Democracy, November 2018
El Estado Policial Norteamericano - Pablo Pozzi, Huellas de Estados Unidos, October 2018
Kersplebedeb - Don Hamerquist - October 11, 2018.
Infiltrating the Left - Interview w/Aaron J Leonard, Jacobin August 2018
In the Spirit of the Tsar: FBI Informants on the Central Committee, Ron Jacobs, CounterPunch, February 2018
The FBIs Maoist Faction - History News Network, January 2018
The FBI's Failed Plan to Make Black Activist James Forman an Informant Truthout, January 2018
Book review: A Threat of the First Magnitude, FBI Counterintelligence & Infiltration from the Communist Party to the Revolutionary Union 1962-1974 — FightBack! News, January 2018
Turbulent 70s Revisted, Brad Duncan, Against the Current July-August 2016
Maoísmo ascendent y repressión del FBI en Estados Unidos: 1968-1977. Aaron J. Leonard y Conor Gallagher. ISTOR 64. CIDE, Mexico. Spring 2016 Spanish Version
Reds & Feds: Jay Kinney, Reason Magazine, March 2016
Viewpoint MagazineAaron Leonard Interview with Doug Enaa Greene, September 22, 2015
Dispatches From the Underground Part II-Conor Gallagher, August 26, 2015
Lessons to Be Learned from State Suppression of Revolutionaries, Ken Petersen, Dissident Voice. September 10, 2015 (English)
Let Them Talk w/Paul DeRienzo, MNN, August, 11, 2015
The FBI Works to Prevent Unity Among Leftists, Red Frog, May Day Books Blog, August 10, 2015
Dispatches From the Underground-Conor Gallagher - Podcast July 8, 2015
Marx & Philosophy Review of Book, Joshua Mofawad-Paul, June 1, 2015
A Manifesto of Good Reads, Mark Perryman, Left Futures, April 21, 2015
Symptomatic Commentary, C. Derick Varn, April 14, 2015
Seeking reds hiding under the bed, Sarah Kahn, Washington Book Review, March 15, 2015
Watch out Lefties! The FBI is out to sabotage you, Rabble.ca, March 5, 2015
The FBIs War on Dissent, Mike Kuhlenbeck, Eurasia Review, March 2, 2015
The Missing Chapter in the History of Americas Sixties Radicals, History News Network, February 22, 2015
New Book Showcases FBI Efforts to Sabotage the US Left, Eleanor Bader, Truthout, Feb. 11, 2105
CounterPunchRevolutionary Communists in the US of A, Ron Jacobs, Counterpunch, January 23-25, 2015